Cassandra said...
I had a native young man around 28 at least dancing with A BUFFALO ON HIS HEAD DANCING WITH A WHITE FEATHER IN HIS HAND and tossing grass up in the air. HE HAD BLACK TRIANGLES ON HIS FACE AND LINES then after he HE WAS CARVING A BEAR WITH A AXE. APRIL 5, 2011 4:12 AM

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother said...
Aho Cassandra,
Looks like you are sharing a dream and seeking interpretation. I love this imagery or dreamscape, because it shares so much with the world. Really showing how the complexities of overlaying colors and equations can get pretty confusing in the mind. Our thoughts can't make it all out or see clearly what is blowing in the winds all around us.
You can email me directly for dream interpretation, vision exploration or spirit flight at whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com, your devoted servant and elder crystal child (reading truth to each book of life), "crystal rivers flow from my eyes", in other words, I can sea all the rainbow colors, through sound and voice, feeling, knowing, trusting. This is the power of the crystal child. Each rainbow color has a power or great gift to offer the world. Each perspective shares part of the Oneness of G_ah_d, the utterance of heavenly transmission, God. This nomenclature; Gd, no heaven arrived yet, as Jews cling to this knowledge on the eastern shore, star of david or the crystalline form is born, the soul of the child is seeded, the sun (crystal child) or rainbow colors (rainbow mother).
Now for your interpretation . . .
1. native young man around 28
2. dancing with A BUFFALO ON HIS HEAD
4. tossing grass up in the air
6. then after he HE WAS CARVING A BEAR WITH A AXE.
- 1. native young man around 28
-The Native speaks about (means) the Twin Child, one who can understand you, the wise one just off the blue road (soul elder, sioux eldest cling to the western shore), the heavenly path before arising on the red road or our physical world, the earthly path. Males represent light or the rainbow spectrum. A native male shares with us, the riches of our soul, with a birthing reality of earthly dedication to the law of love upon the red road.
- 2. dancing with A BUFFALO ON HIS HEAD
-The white feather is the flight of all colors, often referred to as the bear in the sky or the star returning home, even the Grandfather, who is the rainbow color, white child or star child. This is the babe from heaven learning about the rainbow colors. A soul must emerse one's self and bath in the light or rainbow colors, to understand a language. The eventual recognition of the star language, either through song or imagery (the more ancient, the more imagery), will announce the new books of life, lie in the heavenly realm, where the access of knowledge is for all beings.
-Feather is flight as I said earlier, but I want to share with you more about this subject. The feather is a stem with lines leaning outwards bilaterally (united, but separated red and blue roads), curved and lie in layers. A single feather is used in prayer to move smoke around us in a circular fashion, almost to embrace the person receiving the prayer smoke. This movement represents flight on the crystalline stone river, where we flow together and apart, the shadows or grayness of Grandmother space, the sacred web of the crystalline stone river, which we all dream about. The feather shows us how to curve and lean on the elipitical path, rolling over lessons or stepping stones (crystal stone of one) through prayer blessings of water and fire, where smoke arises from purification. Here one is able to receive instead is great wisdom, the great treasures (rainbow colored crystals, diamonds, gold and pearls). Hear (repeating the story, the validation of the received signal of the voice) the roll over, the bow of humility (blue road, heart wisdom) is not who is right or wrong, but who fights to unite broken hearts, for LAW is LOVE upon the red road (intelligence), where brotherhood (golden dream) can be known. The feather reminds us always, that the law of sound, booming rings around you, the embracing heart begins on the heavenly blue road.
-White Feather in his hand, we find that all the rainbow colors are in flight, together united, but apart. Each doing their part to hold us unified, like a perfect mathematical equation, that never fails, for love is the singularity forever and ever. A hand offers one a gift, the treasure, the blissful heart that understands your pain and the stout hearted who will stand up for you to gain, when you have lost your prayers. Relatives care for one another. Caring is the embracing factor of the spiraling soul journey. We call this LOVE, the bowing of the RAINBOW MOTHER, who gifts to us our SOULS. The eternal holiness of the eagle, who's talons peirce our hearts, to grab hold to devour you into pieces, to totally love you. To bring back what was lost, the purified heart. This imagery is represented by the infinity icon (mathematical symbol used in present day languages) or a sideways eight. This is the unity of two (the soul and the flesh) flowing together. Here all life begins (atoms), before the four (red greets green) sacred directions are formed (including evolution), the four rainbow colors clothed by all beings seen or unseen. By the way, the lavender child, our Holiness around the world, purify our rainbow colors each and everyday. They bring their flowing love and law that binds us together, the dark unseen and the light seen together, whether we like it or not. Whether they like it or not. Because this is the power and function of the lavender child, to bring us eternal love and to birth atoms of light, learning one day to bind together or cling to others. Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star is our elder lavender child. When looking into their light stream, you can only sea fire. Purification of the rainbow colors, seen and unseen, must be bathed in fire. Just like when we wash our hands in water to cleanse and remove debri and bacteria. The same is resolved when we wash our hands in fire to cleanse and remove impurities. Here we stand cleansed by the great WHITE FEATHER dancing in the winds, his hands free to share the purification of rainbow colors (light, seen luminous and unseen numinous) through spiritual development.
- 4. tossing grass up in the air

-Star of David (Jew, intermittent) are triangles representing the star (crystal sun). The Morning Star (Sioux, constant) are triangles representing the star (rainbow mother). These two overlay each other in the perfection of the rainbow colors and it's singularity, LOVE. The spiraling path over the horizon bilaterally is the united spectrum of the webbed circle of life. Triangles offer reflection and curved space. A square/rectangle/four sides, can be divided into two triangles, offering it the ability to bounce or roll over sound or light waves or frequencies. This is the echo one feels in an empty river basin or canyon. This is the story that is repeated and validated. Someone is caring about the sacred words that come from your heart, even in anger and in pain. Reflection offers us the leaning towards each other, to embrace and know love before all intellectual things of the world. Our hearts reside within. Our minds play an integral part to our realization, to bring the true soul to fruition in the rainbow colored garden we live in, a patchwork of the blanket of life. This shifting blending is what Grandmother, a gray child does for all of us. Embracing and awakening to the children's needs, when the lesson arises, to feel embraced, to once again, be gifted the lift we needed and courage to go for our dreams. Grandmother treats each child as her favorite, because it's each child who clings to her fabric. She weaves us together like a spider and vicious to protect her young grandchildren, even against the father of any house who's mind reigns above his heart. On our face, let alone his face, remember male is representative of the rainbow colors and red road, the earthly flesh...on our faces, are lines of happiness and sadness. Of joy and pain. Of riches and sorrows. Of wounded hearts and blissful lust for life. These earnestness come into being to radiate from our faces. Each line and wrinkle sheds meaning to the world around us, our dreams and our vision in all our days. As we walk around in a daze, with all this confusion, we think and ponder on the riches, we each wish, pray and seek to find our hearts. To radiate a light from within, the place where brotherhood can reign. And where sisterhood can show meaning to the opposition and shouting out to righteousness, to show love lives here. We hear and feel dazed, but we stand, even though others may not understand our hearts. We pray that one day, our family of the rainbow will return to our hearts, a place within a light does shine.
-Lines only go to show you, how confusing all of this spectrum of the dreamscape can be. But dreams are born to be impossible and through our striving we find possibilities to go further and become stronger, in our fortitude to know true love's calling on the river of the rainbow. Here where the colors and imagery cross over to our reality, the dark (unseen colors, sound and rhythm, "I feel therefore I am") and light (seen colors, intelligence and mind, "I think therefore I am") flow next to each other and repeats over and over, to produce the singularity of Oneness in Gray space or Grandmother space, the gray child, who holds us together in all our dreams. Each rainbow color seen, must have the last color gray (part of four rainbow colors). This pole allows us to dream together in one place. She holds us while she shimmy and shakes, rattles and rolls to get the grandchildren along the way, towards the path of the heart, allowing all dreams to find it's course. This means, we all carry gray or grandmother space within each of us. We are tied together, animal, plant and rock as relatives upon this world, our universe we share in dreaming. Don't forget, a triangle is formed with three sides. When a fourth side is unseen or dark, the two triangles (a rectangle can be divided into two triangles) allow light and shadow to be in one place, united on the curved space of the crystalline stone river, the four sacred directions. This allows the light to flow freely, the physical world. This allows the dark to flow freely, the spiritual world. United, but separate, like our shadow always following us, whereever we go. We are the expressions of the reflective surfaces bouncing off each other, our relatives in space and time. We once again are dreaming.
- 6. then after he HE WAS CARVING A BEAR WITH A AXE.
-When we carve, we divide into parts. To help bring the journey to an experience. It's like a puzzle with it's many pieces or a machine with it's diverse parts. Each part has a meaning. Each part has a function. Each part has greatness. Each are part of the whole in our shared dreams. Destruction is part of the world to allow rebirth to come in once more. But as we learned to create and destroy in the second phase of evolution, the orange rolling hill in time, we are departing, we also are prepared in the understanding of the purification process for the rainbow colors, our physical world. WE are entering the third phase of evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time, we begin to understand that destruction or spiritual cleansing through fire, premempts all creation. This would be like blessing land before building on it or destroying all that lives there, to bring in a richer culture that was there before. We are constantly evolving and through destruction and purification, we can always find the rebirth. The anew, like the green grass grows, we find through carving our spiritual realization on the journey of rainbow relatives brings to us satisfaction in a job well done. Creation gifts.

For other gifts from me, your Sacred Woman, please visit http://www.whitebuffalocalfwoman.info/giftsfromwhitebuffalocalfwoman. To hear Heart Songs and Rainbow Colors requests, visit http://sacredsongblessings.blogspot.com (written mostly) and http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com (recordings).
your devoted servant sends love and blessings for nine sacred directions on your path,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song or holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
ps. added article for you I found with some (interpretation by me, White Buffalo Calf Woman).

Health and healing are among the most important concerns of Native American ritual. It is essential to understand the concept of health other than in the terms of Western medicine. Many Native American cultures understand illness not as the result of some biochemical, physiological, or psychological malady, but as a sign of disorder in society or the world, which is then reflected in the illness of an individual (clan oneness versus individual one). Diagnosis thus consists of discerning the status of the community or the world. Healing requires repairing or restructuring these environmental concerns.
Lakota Plains Indians Healing
Bear Dreamer Society is composed of Lakota medicine people whose specialty is curing the severely wounded. Anyone cured by these medicine people becomes a member of the Bear Dreamer Society. The leader of the society is one who has had a dream about the bear and knows the use of the bear medicines (rainbow colors blue child and white child often dream of bears).
Bear Dreamer Society healing takes place in a tipi whose floor is covered with sage (sage purifies bacteria and viruses). Society members sing and beat round drums, while members who may have different types of medicine dance about the wounded patient. Suddenly the leader comes growling (Thunder of the flowing Rainbow Mother) through the tipi entrance. He is painted red except for his hands (red road or physical body, the rainbow colors where law of love presides), which are painted white (united rainbow returns or Grandfather Star). He carries a knife, and if a dog is present during the ceremony he may kill it and eat it raw (this is representative of a fierce warrior, one who tears apart impure flesh or rainbow color, not a literal dog. Remember a knife carves or directs the journey through destruction or through the spiritual purification process.). The leader faces all four directions as the other members move the wounded person to the place of honor at the rear of the tipi (embraced, comforted and loved) and apply healing roots to his body (roots reach into the earth, bringing forth the heavenly blue road, where tears reign, rain and bows).
The Ghost Dance was actually a religious revitalization movement started by the powerful healing
medicine person Wovoka (Jack Wilson) among the Paviotso in Nevada. While experiencing a high fever,
Wovoka saw the Christian God and was told to carry the message of end times to his people: the dead
would soon return, and the intruding White people would be annihilated (First of all medicine is delivered by woman (receiving) and never man (gifting), secondly the dead are those who do not use their own hearts, the blue road, which was a shadow for so long, now awakens in our souls. And thirdly, the annihilation of the impureness of the white or rainbow clan, not the white or father nation and least of all the star returning as an elder from heaven, the bear. This is why interpretation is needed by a crystal child. And at least other dreamers who share their stories, help to get all the facts correct, but more importantly who is right or wrong matters not, but who is dreaming what and sharing with who. This is the sure sign of brotherhood, the sharing of our dreamspace, both conscious and sleeping. For it's all one place, dreaming in Grandmother's web or circle of life).
The 1890 Ghost Dance spread primarily to tribes who lived east of those influenced by the Ghost
Dance of 1870, never reaching western Oregon. Among the Plains tribes, the Ghost Dance of 1890 was
a factor in the last clash with the U.S. Army at Wounded Knee, where hundreds of Lakota men,
women, and children were massacred. The Wounded Knee Massacre effectively ended the millennial
expectations of the movement, although Ghost Dancing has persisted to the present as a dance form
among some tribes. (Ghost dancing was feared by the Father Nation, the white children, because during our evolutionary period, many Native Americans, the red children, practiced Dark or Bad medicine, often harming rather than healing others. Many secular religions still practice today rituals that harm others. Now it's time for us to reconstitute the value of the Ghost Dance, where true love's calling does the bidding of the healing and purification process of the spirit, soul and flesh, where the three roads collide, making all rainbow rivers suicide, for those who do not bow or the impure beings trying to not follow the law of love. The law of love stands fast. But evolution has a way of bringing to us, what is needed when.) Excerpt from http://bonniebutterfield.com/indian-culture.htm
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- I've been having a dream of seeing a native American with the color white-red-white stripes painted on his face. Can you help me identify it, many thanks, Kate MARCH 5, 2011 8:38 AM
- Aho Kati, White (Husband) is the returning star of heaven, the soul within seeking the path where it began, in Wife's arms. Red (Twin Child) is the reflection of white. In the Morning Star arrangement, the Red is dark colors of the rainbow. This is where the world began, in storytelling and traveling afar, shore to shore, star to star. To have the Red nestled inside the White means, the reflection of rainbow colors, begins on the Red Road, where LAW of LOVE presides. You will receive the lesson or the treasure, depending on if one can bow to the lessons of love. Identity to a tribe is not responded to, however, the story is the star language which Native American's bring to the world at large.your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song or holy interpreter http://alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy AUGUST 15, 2011 6:37 AM
There is a place where the Buffalo (flesh of earth, the light that grows, the four sacred directions, where we do) roam, and my heart does know how to roam, to be across the rolling hills, to eat of the green grass and know my fills. I am nourished by this love, the place, where I live inside the dark, the heaven calling, to fill me up. We the Rainbow Clan do know (how to drink from this spiritual cup), that we are part of this sacred show, where the Horse (soul of heaven, the heart that knows) runs wild and free, to be with Warriors, the Dog (rainbow warrior of prophecy who stands their ground) who bleeds (follows the red road, the law of love, where the fighting is for the unification of the broken heart, to bring the warrior up).
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