Holiness David Running Eagle sacred drum begins
Come my brother, hold my hand, wake up to heaven, and be a man (the dream of this journey, rainbow colors).
Holiness David Running Eagle sacred drum ends
Create a shelter, full of leaves (relatives on the tree of life), not bringing contempt, but family. Teach each other, we are part of life, we each have our place in paradise. Bring a heart that teaches love, rules all shelters (houses of God) we are part.
Great Spirit hold me close to thine, so that I can really shine. Give this warrior a hand to God, covering his heart break, for what he could, but now it's a time of family, we are going to live in the breeze. It's time for us to shine again, to bring back brotherhood in the wind.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings. The smoke from the pipe continues to rise up, even after the pipe has been put out. Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, our Father Red Hand (lavender-crown, yellow, aqua, gray) Sacred drum begins again. The heart of our brother, Sherwyn"Wish Away to Display, our Walks the Thin Rope" aka "They Came And Blessed His Pipe Man, Sherwyn Zephier" (violet, blue, magenta, gray) is Displayed below. Violet people are ordained as high priest (pipe keeper, blessings, magic, gate keeper). Not only is our Lakota Brother the voice of God (oneness), but also ordained western shore, the Morning Star, the holy path, to divine glory. We welcome him into our heart and bless the sacred nine directions in the winds, relative suns!
dddmmd ddddmd (drumbeat)

I feel the silence of my heart. I wonder, how God, kept me apart (separated). How did I get, to have fortune and fame, because I must of done something to lead this chain (linked together). I will bind them to you, the "thin rope", that leads you true. I will shine, for them, to lead me too. I will follow the world, who have a view. I am nearer to God, I have ever been and my feet start to greet my heart. I'm shining easy street, there is a glowing heart inside, where mistletoe, is smart (stingy), but art (glory of creation), the craft of love (law of love, the red road, physical embrace, brotherhood), does shed a tear or two, let's be clear, the waters are near (law of song, the blue road, the spiritual embrace, sisterhood).
Reaching in the winds at night, dreaming days of paradise, I sail in the smoke, the clouds of loving waves. I reach around the clouds, like a snake (purification through and through, devoted love, that's the Sioux). I gift the heart of the muse, who makes mistakes, and then I have them in tears, to forgive all their fears, for Great Spirits are hear/here. I listen to the winds of time. I open my heart and even my mind. I wake up to the clouds in the sky, the sunlight upon my face, the willows do pray. I whisper oceans to you. I lean over the tubes. I gather leaves for me and you, to pray, to praise, to gift for thee, God in need.
Thank you for my love and life. Give this world, a piece of this strife. Let them know, my love is true. I will open the hearts of you. I will dream ahead. I will make my shed (water house, heavenly home). I will gift a view, where lights gift rainbow heads, golden pots of lead (alchemy, brotherhood is a magical art). Gift the world, my love, I bless the true, who do it good. I walk with my heart, my head. I walk with my heart, my feet to make bread (abundance), to bring us home, to fields of corn (wisdom), where butterfly dream (spirit flight). I will fold the earth with you (light), heaven come home (dark), I will be amused. Come be with me, I walk this day, let our spirits pray. Let our greatness be a ray.
I am for you. I will be true. I am the great, light, that you sent. I will pray, I will make my way. I will be God's heaven sent. Thank you lord, heaven above, to shelter us, close to our hearts. I give to you, the sacred blue (path of heaven's embrace), the red and white (the flame of all light, the halls of consciousness). I will be shining in the night (the inner flame, alight fromwithin). I will be bold during plight (warrior stand up), I will be sacred, to be a light (rainbow man/clan). I will be true. I will be blue. I will come from heaven above, I will walk from heaven's road. I will know love is true, when I am blue (relative to you), the royal heaven's delight. The warrior God sent to fight! (the red road, the law of love)
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, our Father Red Hand sacred drum ends. White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin deer Mother sings, the sacred song blessings from Sherwyn's heart "Wish Away to Display, our Walks the Thin Rope (written on his book of life), Lakota Pipe Keeper. We thank Southern Season our Song of Heaven (included song), Wishing Well That Comes True (heavenly echo), Plum Blossom (healing prayers), Richard Boylan and relatives who contributed to sending love and affection (their part in the Rainbow Clan) to those who ask for help, our beloved relative, "They Came And Blessed His Pipe Man, Sherwyn Zephier". To understand blue, red, yellow, white roads, visit whitebuffalocalfwoman.net. Thank you!
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010, Southern Season, our Song of Heaven wrote:
Hi Relatives,I was wondering. How is he doing? They Came and Blessed His Pipe Man, Sherwyn? We had a short conversation through email and I embraced him in my heart. I hope he is well.
Song that I wrote for him...
I sing a song for you, Relative in the BlueMy heart sends love, from me and above
So that healing take place
And you can start with brand new days
Where your spirit soar high, way up in the sky
Where the eagles fly and an angel sings
Carried on Spirit's wings
Sharing what is (in the flesh), will give bliss
to all that exists (relatives) here and now,
for you I bow, I Pray that all is well...
Blessed Be
Southern Season, Song of Heaven
Green person, spiritual embrace, "eye of the storm"
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
green, red (crown), aqua, gray
Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)!
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Claire Plum Blossom wrote:
Yes, I shall send energy :)
How are you doing?
Claire Plum Blossom,
She brings Surprise To All of Us.
Rainbow Colors: blue, rainbow, yellow, gray
[We recognize you as a spiritual being and welcome you to one family consciousness. Here at Active-Indigos, we respectfully address the ascension, flesh or light and descending, soul or darkness, process while creating local sanctuaries on earth. Thinking globally and acting locally while networking all spiritual communities and educating the workplace.
Elders come to be, when they stand to be free, to be heard of justice door, the place where all live to be, united in heart. United when apart. United in Spirit, to hold and have Heaven, inside the beginning, the Elders of the World. Who come home to what is heard. Who use love beyond all words. To know when LOVE is true. And Knows when we need the views, of pure light, of pure dark, of heaven and earth, abound as One who's gonna win. It's the Elders who refuse to budge and look for hues, instead sea with their hearts, and prays about all things in the heart.
Willing tears will bring, the spring of blossoms who sing, songs of joy in everything. This is the way Home. Bring a song, bring an instrument, with a tune. Bring your voice, a stick with many hues, and your drum which need be your open song, let us sing along!]
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Wishing Well wrote:
Thanks White Buffalo Calf Woman,
(for sending out to the hoops/groups)
I am grateful for your heart.
Wishing Well,Miranda
Rainbow Colors: aqua, indigo, yellow, gray.
On Fri, 9/24/10,
On Fri, 9/24/10,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail. com> wrote:
From: White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.
"Educators Hoop 5" <perfectchildren@googlegroups.com>, "Education Hoop 5" <perfectchildren@yahoogroups. com>, "Grandmothers of the Green Grass Sanctuary Hoop 5 Center " <rainbowclan@googlegroups.com>, "Fourth 4 Songs of the Heart" <indigocrystalchildren@ googlegroups.com>, "Hoop 4 Songs of the Heart" <indigocrystalchildren@ yahoogroups.com>, "Hoop 4 Songs of the Heart" <rainbow-warriors-of-prophecy@ googlegroups.com>, "Songs of the Heart Hoop 3" <bookoflife@googlegroups.com>, "Whitebuffalocalfwoman.Net Hoop3 Red Songs of the Heart" <whitebuffalocalfwoman@ googlegroups.com>, "HouseoftheBeloved.Net Hoop3 Blue Songs of the Heart" <houseofthebeloved@ googlegroups.com>, "Gathering" <crystal_indigo_children@ yahoogroups.com>,"Warriors" <active-indigos@yahoogroups. com>, "Alightfromwithin.org Hashem Ordained" <AaronBenjamin@yahoogroups.com >, "Alightfromwithin.org Brotherhood" <Open-your-mind@yahoogroups. com>, Hoop 2, Hoop 1,
Date: Friday, September 24, 2010
This was sent out for all to sea, a welcome to a heart in need. Send relief, if you please. Donation button on domains, whitebuffalocalfwoman.net, org, com, info.
Thank you,
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010, Wishing Well wrote:
Hello White Buffalo Calf Woman, our Twin Deer Mother,
It is good to hear from you...it has been some time. My heart is gladdened to know that you have heard. What a terrible predicament Sherwyn is in. I have little money however, I have fingers and I can type and send letters through my computer. Thank you for calling Sherwyn, whom I have never met, for posting to your blog and sending to all you know in the hoop.
I pray he gets the money on time as his health seems to be in critical condition and time is of the essence. When you spoke with him, did you find out how serious his condition is?
"Heavenly reverberation" is lovely to take part in. I love to connect hearts. Please do let me know what the progress is of notifying others in the hoop by sending me forwards of your communications.
In Gratitude ❥,
Miranda Wishing Well
Rainbow Colors: aqua, indigo, yellow, gray. On Sat, Sep 18, 2010, Miranda Wishing Well wrote:
If you or anyone can help this precious soul, together we are strong...
Miranda Wishing Well
So many of us have learned so much from Chief Golden Light Eagle (Loren Zephier) and his brother They Came And Blessed His Pipe Man (Sherwyn Zephier); and recently Sherwyn has had a couple of emergency surgeries. Now he needs another to correct complications from the previous ones but has been turned down by the Indian Health Services and has to come up with the money himself. - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Sherwyn's message:
I normally don't ask for help for myself for anything, but I have an emergency health situation. I would like to make a request to all relatives of Love, Light, Peace, Unity, Harmony, Truth, Freedom and participants of the Sacred Altars of Mother Earth for financial help to complete my healing process. First, I want to explain what is happening to me. After the Sun Dance in Iowa, I was admitted into the hospital in Sioux Falls, SD where my gall bladder was removed and drainage tubes, bags and stints were inserted into my stomach and bile duct. The Drainage tubes and bags protruded out of my abdomen for a month and a half. Since then, those tubes, bags and stints were removed. Within one week of their removal there was a problem, my system was not working as it should have, so I was sent to Minneapolis, MN for an emergency procedure to fix the problem. It was a Life or Limb situation. The problem was fixed there at the University of Minnesota, Medical Center surgical team, but in doing so, they damaged the bile duct walls severely, so two more stints were inserted to allow the walls of the bile duct to heal. They have healed, but now they should come out and the problem now is that the Indian Health Service in Wagner has run out of money and they have given me an official notice yesterday that they can not pay for it. I will have to pay for the procedure myself.
The U of M MC Finance Officer told me the cost of the surgical procedure is $15,000.00, which I don't have. The ERCP Procedure is scheduled to happen on September 30, but I need at least 80% of the cost in to them by September 27 (2 1/2 weeks) $12.000.00. This seems like an impossible task to do for me at this time.
I'm not certain how long these stints can stay inside of me, but I can definitely feel them on a daily basis and they are doing something inside of me. My exterior wounds are healing normally, but my insides are doing something else. I am concerned that these foreign plastic objects to my body will retaliate at some point and I will end up in an emergency room again, which I also can not afford.
I am making an honest, sincerely request to my relatives, and all that you know on Mother Earth who walk in Love and Spirit, if you can help me. If you can, there is a donation button at www.star-knowledge.net for those who can help. This is my plea to all who have Loving, Sacred Open Hearts and can afford to assist me with some healing help. I welcome your Prayers,
Love and Light as well. You are all Healers. I pray that those who who know that this is an important time of Mother Earth. It is a time of Dreams, Dream a Dream. It is a time of Visions, Seek a Vision. The need is out there for help for worthy causes to those who walk with Spirit to do all that they can to help one another in any way possible. This will not only help to raise your own vibration and Spiritual Evolution, but also that of Mother Earth. I pray that all the Angels of Creation hear my prayer and plea for healing help.
In Love & Light.
They Came And Blessed His Pipe Man, Sherwyn Zephier
Come greet my heart, I hold you close, my spirit is great so is yours!
Pray With Elders around the World
There is a place where the Buffalo (flesh of earth, the light that grows, the four sacred directions, where we do) roam, and my heart does know how to roam, to be across the rolling hills, to eat of the green grass and know my fills. I am nourished by this love, the place, where I live inside the dark, the heaven calling, to fill me up. We the Rainbow Clan do know (how to drink from this spiritual cup), that we are part of this sacred show, where the Horse (soul of heaven, the heart that knows) runs wild and free, to be with Warriors, the Dog (rainbow warrior of prophecy who stands their ground) who bleeds (follows the red road, the law of love, where the fighting is for the unification of the broken heart, to bring the warrior up).
Laho eetiwah it. Come too, it is!
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