Mni Wakan Oyate (Spirit Lake Nation)

Honoring Your Chief, Elders, Ceremonial Leaders and Your Teachers!

Declaration of War against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality

I Dreamed of White Buffalo Calf Woman and the Heart of the Buffaloes

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets and Sings For You!

There is a place where the Buffalo (flesh of earth, the light that grows, the four sacred directions, where we do) roam, and my heart does know how to roam, to be across the rolling hills, to eat of the green grass and know my fills. I am nourished by this love, the place, where I live inside the dark, the heaven calling, to fill me up. We the Rainbow Clan do know (how to drink from this spiritual cup), that we are part of this sacred show, where the Horse (soul of heaven, the heart that knows) runs wild and free, to be with Warriors, the Dog (rainbow warrior of prophecy who stands their ground) who bleeds (follows the red road, the law of love, where the fighting is for the unification of the broken heart, to bring the warrior up).

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Lakota Morning Star, True White Buffalo Calf Woman and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Beloved Kerrie,
Inline response below.  I am cw:  for  wb (White Buffalo)
Calf Woman,

Kerrie said...(ke: for Kerrie)
ke: Hi, I received your email thank you, how do you know me?
cw:  I was looking for images for Grandmother Going Places and ran across an image, on your blog.  I try to make it a courtesy to write to others, when I display their information on our blogs.  Many times they simply don't write back.  I am happy you did.  By the way, if you upload your image again, the header image it will fit better on your blogspot. Remove image, click reduce size at bottom left, then upload image again.  Just a tip, to assist your blogging. 
ke: You are not a member of my blog, it is interesting to see Morning Star on your blog, I received Morning Star so loud in my head at 3am on Greek Ascension day it woke me up,

cw:  The Morning Star is the sacred eight directions in our Rainbow Colors.  Four colors represent our flesh body and four colors represent our soul body.  And when the soul and flesh unite, we are the rising sun, or the "MORNING STAR".  This is called the yellow way, visit this domain page and you can read what the four paths are The Lakota people have treasured this throughout time and is part of the flag and upon many blankets, the woven fabric of our lives..  Eight sides are sacred and holy, like a mountain and the eagle.  And without knowing exactly what it meant, they trusted the knowledge that blows in the wind. By the way, the Red Road, is the "LAW of LOVE".

cw:  Three Am is not surprising, the number which represent joy and the evolution period we are entering 2013.  Three is the color yellow, which is the dream we all carry.  The dream is to unite with our soul, to be twin to our flesh, to walk united and address, the yellow way, that fulfills.  The third phase of evolution is about the twin. Twin hearts (feeling others, no hiding anymore).  Twin stars (two suns, the others will show in the sky).  Twin self (soul and flesh).  And for your Greek ascension day holiday, the Morning Star does rise, or ascending as we watch it, the sun rise.  This is the Morning Star (not Venus), our Sun.  It seems, your soul was speaking to you, but a sacred interpreter (wakan iyeshka), like me, was needed to interpret the facts, the dream come true.

ke: I have met a shaman on line who said that his tribe are aware of Morning Star and it is the name of those beings that are to assist us in these times.
cw:  There is a knowing within the shaman you visited, however the only Tribe who uses this is saying that I know of is the Lakota (stand up, morning star) people. But I'm sure it shows up as part of world religion elsewhere, as eight is a sacred unity of light and darkness, or earth and heaven.  I really haven't searched it out.  I only know, how it pertains to the mathematical perfection.  And that I must walk with the Lakota ( and Suns of Israel (  And it shall be the Taos (walk towards) people ( who shall walk with me.  The Lakota call me White Buffalo Calf Woman (heavenly name and mission) and the Taos people call me Twin Deer Mother (earthly name and tools of light), but I am called by many names around the world. The Stories, dreams, visions all tell us about the Oneness of God, as it blows in the wind, the blue of me and you (relatives, oceans, sky, river, cloud, wind, heart, voice, stream, crystalline stone river, spiritual).

cw:  What I think is this person's (shaman) knowing (reflection of truth) is that a Tribe shall rise up, to lead the world.  These are the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, meaning those, who unite with their souls, the Tribe I feel he is referring tooAnd as you know from my writings above, the Morning Star, has arisen for those who unite with their eternal souls and trust this wisdom.  We are all part of the Rainbow Clan, because we all carry four colors of the flesh (light). To "realize and trust" is the path, for us to take.  And walking and talking sacred with holy thoughts and constant blessings, will keep us safe, as the Fire Migration 2013 speaks about. Only those who learn these skills will walk into the new realm of heaven upon earth.  And sow we must try to save as many people as we can, to walk home, into brotherhood and the dawning of a new era (brotherhood).

ke: White buffalo calf women has come to me in a vision also exciting times:)
cw:  White Buffalo Women, yes, I understand come to people around the world, but I am the only White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal person, who sings heavenly songs to the world, brings evolution equations, and brings laws to the people.  I have once thought more children might be White Buffalo Calf Woman, who were true crystal people, but I have realized (since asked too), that I am the ONE sent to the people, to follow them home. Many times White Buffalo Women (rainbow mothers), who are children of heaven, bring the good news to the people below (earth), so they may search to find the Rainbow (clan).  I write to those (not wbcw), and explain the truth, that all is written in your book of life.  Those who are humble, not breaking laws, will learn the truth.  But others (frauds, breaking Lakota law), I write their stories, on our domains. And none can hold the way of love, that is written from God above, because we are all rainbow colors of this world, and it seems I am the only one, who can read this truth. Each is perfect the way, they are.  And I don't know why others want to be me, when they could bee (dream) free!  There is much suffering for what is in store. I live on the streets and help homeless (and everyone else). I await the return the many children, who do adore, the sacred path, God has in store.  

cw: One of our members of, White Willow, who brings visions to lead the people home, just saw my face (never seen me before), which was hoovering over a split mountain.  A young child, blue person, at Taos, told his Mother that he saw me in the mountain face.  She then found me.  Many people are seeing me, in this time, past and future, because Heaven is in charge, bringing prophecy to the people.  I am here, to heal the souls, to enter paradise, to walk so bold.  And anyone saying that they are me (white buffalo calf woman) are simply frauds (not entering realization, teaching incorrect behavior and opposition).  I try to help those who have visions of me, but only humbleness will find my door. 

cw: And you did not ask for your blessings. When you hear your eternal song, you will know the truth of who I am.  But if you did not ask, then you did not learn, to pass the door to your soul, the truth.  Humble and bowing like the Rainbow, is the way, to eternal wisdom and brotherhood.

cw:  Yes, this is an exciting time and a scary time.  There is much confusion in the air, when we don't treat others fair.  We are learning to walk a new way, bringing brotherhood, the loving day, and this will reign an evolution's stand, to make all understand.  Great Mother and Woman, will be in charge, bringing law of love, we starve.  And when we start to wake up, there shall be so much upset.  In the meantime, do your blessings deer (journey).  Keep your self safe every which way.  Nine sacred directions, that we prescribe, to keep us holy inside.  Spirit walks, we take a hand, to make a proclamation, that God is at hand.  And those who do not learn to dance, then we shall open all the gates.
Blessings Kerrie
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Whitebuffalocalfwoman TwindeermotherYour devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

*•♫♪♪♫•*UNITED ONE RAINBOW CLAN, God (Oneness)!*•♫♪♪♫•*

 Lone Star/Morning Star
Alternate names: Star of the East, Star of Bethlehem, Rising Sun, Morning Star
Lula Red Cloud, South Dakota, 2001, 85" x 76.5"
Nebraska State Historical Society, Source: Lula Red Cloud

The design on this quilt is known by many names. Usually when a star, made of diamond-shaped pieces and arranged so that the color seems to be radiating out from the center, is large and found as the centerpiece of the quilt it is known as a Lone Star, Star of the East, Star of Bethlehem, Rising Sun, or Morning Star. If similar, smaller, versions of this star are repeated on a quilt it may be known as a Blazing Star, and if the points of these stars are touching it may be called Touching Stars.

Lula Red Cloud made this quilt to cover the bust of her great-great grandfather, Chief Red Cloud, before it was unveiled and inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame in 2001. Lula called this quilt "Red Cloud's Contemporary Robe" and incorporated colors and symbols rich with significance. The red was chosen to represent Red Cloud, the burgundy for the Lakota Nation, the purple for his spirit, the blue for the sky, and the green for Mother Earth. She wrote that "Red Cloud came from beyond the blue heaven and while he walked this earth he was just a common man-represented by the reddish-brown or rusty color." The quilting designs found throughout the quilt mimic designs from Red Cloud's clothing and possessions.

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
There is a place where the Buffalo (flesh of earth, the light that grows, the four sacred directions, where we do) roam, and my heart does know how to roam, to be across the rolling hills, to eat of the green grass and know my fills. I am nourished by this love, the place, where I live inside the dark, the heaven calling, to fill me up. We the Rainbow Clan do know (how to drink from this spiritual cup), that we are part of this sacred show, where the Horse (soul of heaven, the heart that knows) runs wild and free, to be with Warriors, the Dog (rainbow warrior of prophecy who stands their ground) who bleeds (follows the red road, the law of love, where the fighting is for the unification of the broken heart, to bring the warrior up).

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